Monday, March 2, 2009

first introduce to tsuruya restorant

my very very first introduce to all reader & blogger . this my first entry for Tsuruya japanese Restorant research .

it's been 2 years Tsuruya been operate and served top delicious and delightful japanese variety food . and btw this 2 years , from alot of customer opinion and supporting . Tsuruya team been re-manage and improve their professional service and delicious dishes .. and add in new menu frequently .. to give customer more choices so that they will not bored to the same menu .. :)

Tsuruya is quite unique in it's design. While the main idea was to maintain the Japanese feel to it's customer, there are some Balinese elements involved in it's interior design. The lighting looked Balinese as with some of the interior decorations, which all the furniture imported from bali , this is cause the bosses there love travel at Bali and involved them to setting down their shop with BALINESE -IDEA The design is cozy and inviting as with the lighting which add a romantic twist to the environment.however, they had a power cut and the restaurant was in complete darkness for a short while. It would be a perfect moment if you are still dating.

Tsuruya japanese Restorant 鹤屋日本料理
1-1-38/39, I Avenue Medan KPG Relau 1,
11900 Bayan Lepas,
Tel: 04-641 0828
operating hour : lunch : 11.30a.m. - 2.30 p.m , dinner 6.00p.m. - 10.00p.m

awaiting for next review about all tsuruya signature and star dishes . =)

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